Ensuring the Safety of Your Business

Protecting lives and property against the threat of a fire is not just an ethical obligation, it's an important business imperative. While some shortsighted businesspeople might think that fire sprinkler systems and other preventive measures are simply bothersome expenses, they are a crucial insurance policy to protect your business from potential complete destruction. Fires destroy buildings, people, and businesses. Fire Protection Group, Inc. is here to help you do well by doing what's right, planning for the safety of your employees and guests in the most effective and cost-efficient ways possible.

Leaving the human cost aside, the cost of a fire in terms of damages and resulting claims and lawsuits can easily destroy a company. At the same time, prudent businesses have to limit their costs wherever they can do so without compromising safety. George Saadian, the lead engineer and general manager of Fire Protection Group, Inc., is an expert at threading that needle. He helped to revise many of the most important NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) guidelines, so he knows how to structure a fire alarm or fire sprinkler inspection to ensure full compliance with all legally mandated codes while also providing a maximum level of safety for both lives and property.

If you are managing a large office or residential facility, then you are obligated to have the best possible fire safety plan in place. You'll need sprinklers, fire alarm systems, and much more. The key to doing so without damaging your company's bottom line is vast experience and knowledge – and that's exactly what Fire Protection Group, Inc. brings to the table.