Standpipes may not be one of the most well-known fire prevention systems, but they are certainly one of the most important. With standpipe systems, the amount of time it takes for fire fighters to develop a water source near a blaze is usually drastically decreased. This is because standpipes provide a pressurized water source on the higher levels of a multi-story building. This allows fire fighters to plug their hoses directly into a pressurized water source at the site of a fire, rather than running a line up the stairs or spraying water in through the window from the street.

Luckily, for those who want to invest in a standpipe system, there are numerous options available from the Fire Protection Group, Inc. The Fire Protection Group, Inc. specializes in almost every facet of fire prevention systems. They know about everything from fire sprinkler systems to fire alarm systems, and can help make sure clients pick the best options for their particular building.

George Saadian, the president and chief engineer of the Fire Protection Group, Inc., is also one of the go-to experts in the industry for NFPA25 testing and approvals. Saadian, who has over three decades of experience in the fire prevention industry, has made it his mission to make sure that as many people as possible have the best fire prevention systems as possible. This means that these systems need to be tested for effectiveness, which is where NFPA25 testing comes in. Through this kind of testing, Saadian and his team can analyze a given fire prevention system and determine whether it needs upgrades or repairs. This is obviously important not only because it helps home and business owners to comply with the law, but also because it can make sure the systems will work in an emergency.