Important Los Angeles Fire Safety Codes

In Los Angeles, residential, commercial, and industrial properties must adhere to many regional, statewide, and national codes for fire safety and fire alarm systems. These regulations do have some overlap, however. It's the duty of fire safety experts like Fire Protection Group, Inc. to help make these codes more understandable for our clients so that they can make better, more informed choices. Plus, it builds a better level of trust with the team here at Fire Protection Group, Inc. Here, briefly, are the three most pertinent codes for fire sprinklers and safety systems for buildings in the L.A. region:

LAFD Reg 4

The Los Angeles Fire Department offers guidelines for fire protection equipment, referred to as the Chief's Regulation Number 4. These provisions are mostly concerned with the regular (usually once a year, though sometimes every five years) testing of safety systems, including alarm systems, central station systems, elevators, emergency generators, fire escape assemblies, standpipe systems, sprinklers, and much more.

California Title 19

This statewide code, coming from the California Office of the State Fire Marshall, involves a wide range of fire and life safety regulations. It's pretty comprehensive, but for building owners and managers of government facilities especially, it mostly involves reviewing certain construction processes as well as setting standards for inspections, code compliance, and more.


The National Fire Protection Association sets standards for many systems; the NFPA 25 standard is specifically concerned with "the inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based fire protection systems." While the NFPA doesn't have legal jurisdiction here, many locales don't set their own regulations and default to NFPA standards.

Of course, the Fire Protection Group, Inc. team is knowledgeable about these regulations and can describe them in thorough detail if you are interested. We offer sprinklers, alarms, and fire pumps for sale, can make all necessary revisions, and perform all required tests in order to get your building in compliance with them.