A Fire Truck is One Part of It

Of all the items we associate with firefighting, there is none as iconic as a fire truck. It’s a symbol of safety that comes along with one of the many very important services we provide here at Fire Protection Services, Inc.: fire watch. It is actually quite a simple idea: while vital anti-fire devices are offline for any reason, such as being under repair, firefighters must be on hand in case a fire should happen to break out during the period. Fire watch can be employed on a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week a basis or for just a few hours while a relatively minor repair is underway.

It’s just one of the many services available from Fire Protection Group, Inc. We offer expert support for the people who own and/or manage all types of residential and commercial properties, that includes the selection and installation of just about all types of anti-fire systems. From fire sprinklers and alarms, to pumps, standpipes, extinguishers and more to ensure that fires can be stamped out, to fire escapes to ensure that occupants are able to leave danger zones, and testing to ensure that all of the other measures actually work – we provide the full range of necessary fire safety measures.

We are led by some of the most respected names in the field, including our lead engineer and general manager George Saadian, and we are looking forward to providing you with outstanding service. Please contact us by phone or e-mail today.