Reg 4 Testing is Critical for Your Structure’s Safety

Owning or managing a large building in the Greater Los Angeles Area can be highly rewarding. But safety must come before any other aspect of ownership or management. Luckily, there are companies that can help secure your building against possible dangers; and when it comes to sudden fire outbreaks, it’s hard to imagine a better option than Fire Protection Group, Inc. It can help with anything from systems installation to maintenance, as well as with some of the finest guidance available for reg 4 testing.

If you’re unfamiliar with it, Regulation 4 testing is conducted by the Los Angeles Fire Department in order to make sure your structure’s safety systems are in working order. Fire Protection Group, Inc., which is led by George Saadian, as well as two former high-ranking LAFD members, Captain Bob Holloway and Al Hernandez, offers extensive experience with Regulation 4 testing, and they can help to make sure that you’ll pass your inspection with flying colors. This is important because, as the Ghost Ship fire in Oakland has shown, a lack of proper fire safety precautions can greatly make the threat of an outbreak a tragic reality.

Ultimately, if you’re looking to properly prepare for Reg 4 testing, or if you need to install or maintain your current fire safety systems, then you’ll want to contact the expert team at Fire Protection Group, Inc. The team boasts over 200 years of combined experience, and the company’s customer service crew always does everything in its power to make sure clients are satisfied and protected. If you have any questions, general or specific, you can contact Fire Protection Group, Inc. via the phone or web today.