Fire Protection is the Greatest Investment You'll Ever Make

When it comes to residential fire alarm systems and sprinklers, Fire Protection Group, Inc. believes that their little upfront cost can mean incredible savings down the line in the unfortunate case of fire. In fact, the Fire Protection Research Foundation released a study in October of 2013 that states that the average cost of installing home fire sprinklers averaged $1.35 per square foot. While this number is set to change with time and isn't the case for every community, it is still a surprisingly affordable price for many homeowners.

More striking about this particular study ("Home Fire Spirinkler Cost Assessment - 5 Year Update") suggests that this is actually a lower price than a similar study suggested in 2008. This is good news for residential building owners and managers looking to outfit or retrofit their buildings with fire sprinklers. It shows that, as innovations in techniques and design develop, life and property-saving fire safety equipment becomes much more attainable. These savings in technique are only improved by working with a talented and efficient team such as Fire Protection Group, Inc.

Working out of Southern California, one of the most arid regions in the country, has made Fire Protection Group, Inc.'s services incredibly vital for business and homeowners in the region. From fire sprinkler inspection and fire protection consulting to sprinkler design and fire pumps for sale, the team at FPG, Inc. guarantee an incredibly high standard of quality. Most importantly, however, Fire Protection Group, Inc. stresses that home fire sprinkler systems are incredibly affordable upfront costs that can save money down the line. Call FPG, Inc. to learn more!